CALL US : 0912-570260

Life Toastmasters club
venue: 261-1, Ren 1st Rd., Ren’ai Dist., Keelung
Time: 7:00 p.m. ~ 9:20 p.m. (1st & 3rd Friday Monthly)
Looking to develop speaking and leadership skills?
Ace a job interview?
Ignite your career?
How Does It Work?
A Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a no-pressure atmosphere.
There is no instructor in a Toastmasters meeting. Instead, members evaluate one another’s presentations. This feedback process is a key part of the program’s success.
Meeting participants also give impromptu talks on assigned topics, conduct meetings and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar and parliamentary procedure.
Welcome to Join us

A、了解說話的藝術, 培養說話的技巧。
B、拓展人脈, 建立良好人際關係。

Our membership includes people from all walks of life

New Member Experience
Every journey has a destination. Your journey through Toastmasters—from delivering speeches to acquiring leadership skills to mentoring others or even becoming a professional speaker—will lead to a place of experience and confidence from which you’ll turn goals into realities.
And you won’t be alone. Along the way, you’ll become a part of a supportive group of people in your local area who share a common desire: to improve communication and leadership skills through practice, peer feedback and objective evaluation.
You’ll also become part of a worldwide organization dedicated to supporting members and constantly improving the Toastmasters experience.
If you’ve found a Toastmasters club that you’d like to attend on a regular basis, it’s time to take advantage of the benefits of membership.
Let your journey begin.