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Table Topics Evaluator
To let the Speakers know if they answered the question in an effective manner.
To show the Speakers what particular delivery skills were good and impressed you.
To mention areas that you felt could use improvement. Suggest how any needed improvements could be realized.
Mention only 1 or 2 areas for improvement — any more tends to overwhelm a Speaker and comes across as overly negative, so that anything you say may likely be ignored.
Discuss only the Speaker’s delivery and if (s)he answered the question. It does NOT matter whether you agreed or disagreed with the subject material. (We have different opinions on any issue and should be allowed to freely express them so long as we stay within the boundaries of good taste.)
Avoid the use of expressions such as “you should” or “you should not”.Always stress the fact that the evaluation is your opinion only. Use expressions such as “I believe”, “I feel”, “In my opinion”, “I liked”or “I would have liked” Always end on a positive note.