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January 01, 2020
0421 Meeting minutes
Summary on Apr. 21. 2017 edited by Fernando Wang:
It was a great meeting tonight, and I was very happy to see all members did their very good job.
1. As the Toastmaster tonight, Beth did a good job. She showed a better performance than before even though she got a little nervous. She clearly stated out the topic of every prepared speech before the speakers started their speech; if the statements could be with more descriptions about features of the speakers, it could impress on audiences the speakers.
2. James also did a good job on timer; we can saw how struggling he did on the task.
3. Wayne, the new comer, requested to take job as ah-counter and did a good job without nervous; he’s raising star tomorrow in Happy Life!
4. Kevin, the language evaluator, well taught us the words in detail about ruminate, ruminant and rumination; if the words teaching with example sentence, can make audiences know it easily.
5. As a joke session master, it’s not easy to keep the atmosphere high at the beginning stage, but Hayden did it! We do expect to see his next performance.
6. For today’s prepared speeches, all the speakers did a very good job and we got many good sentences: Bonnie’s “Try to think twice”, “We can learn from our mistake to correct what we show next” and Don’t be afraid, just do
April 13, 2017
0414 Meeting minutes
Summary on Apr. 14. 2017 edited by Beth Yang:
Kevin Huang invited the meeting roles and speakers on the stage with specific introduction and a brief wrap-up after their jobs done. An excellent skill to link each smoothly that you couldn’t tell he was the first TME. Another first time role taker is Table Topic master Hayden, he well prepared his questions with interesting introduction. Jim listened very carefully helped us to avoid unnecessary words. James’ detailed time rules kept us on track. And both Jim and James came earlier to set up the avenue, they demonstrated the Toastmasters spirit to serve all members and guests.
Both individual evaluators emphasized the strong points and suggestions to better prepared speakers’ further speeches. Anna as Table Topic Evaluator analyzed the strengths and rooms for improvement in details. We not only learnt two words bellwether 領頭羊 and whistleblower告密者 as words of day from Billy, but also got more knowledge about the correct usage of words form his keen observation through the meeting.
The momentum was high that two guests, Erin and Wayne decided to join us right after the meeting.
Best Role: Fernando Wang
Best Table topics: Erin Su
Time control:
start 19:20 Adjourned: 21:20
Attendants: Member: 12 Guest: 2
March 16, 2017
0317 Meeting minutes
Summary on Mar. 17. 2017 edited by Kevin Ho:
Success always belongs to a person who has the preparation. This motto is very appropriate for Jim and Bonnie. Jim prepared a lot for the meeting in advance such as how to call the meeting to order, Time rules. He arrived earlier than usual. Bonnie’s presiding skills in joke session was very good. She grasped the atmosphere successfully. They were dedicated to their role in the meeting. We had a very special check in time.
Our honorable guests Susan Roth, Dennis Roth shared a touching story. Susan back from Los Angeles to visit her mother who is 94 years old. They have been separated for 7 years. Her mother can't recognize her. But she can recognize her son in law Dennis at the first glance.
One of jobs for TME is to make a smooth gap between sessions. I found TME Joe have made progress. He can play it by ear for the sake of atmosphere if Joe can prepare some information about speaker will make it even better.
From the perspective of an audience that symptoms of stage fright may include (1) Dry mouth and tight throat. (2) Trembling hands, knees, lips, and voice (3) Sweaty and cold hands. But I can't find any in James icebreaker speech. A job well done.
We have 2 speakers delivering C3 speech Get to the Point. Every speech must have a general purpose. It is to inform, to persuade, to entertain or to inspire. Kevin Huang’s speech is to persuade” How do you measure success” it provided persuasive ideas for us. Joyce Hu’s speech is to inform “Mother Tongue, Fatherland”. It provided us a good chance to assimilate precious culture of Hakka.
Table topic session Beth’s question all about “Environmental protection”, she enlightened me that I should involve in this subject more often.
Anita Wang provided James’s c1 speech with some comments in a positive way. She encouraged James can get rid of script on stage in the near future. Sunny used positive way to show what she cares about Kevin’s speech. I could see that she pay close attention throughout Kevin Huang’s speech. We grabbed the chance to invite Susan Roth as Joyce’ evaluator, and Dennis as Language evaluator. Both of them came from District 1. They have joined Toastmasters for 13 years. We learned a lot from them. Transnational networks is one of privileges for the members of Toastmasters.
In the end of meeting Susan shared with us her personal story what she benefit from Toastmasters and her struggling for success. “embrace all facets of ourselves which includes strengths and weaknesses”
Best role in the meeting:Joe Yang
Best Table topics: Dennis Roth
Time control: start 19:20
Adjourned: 21:20
Attendants: Member: 10
Guest: 4
March 02, 2017
0303 Meeting minutes
Summary on Mar. 03. 2017 edited by Sunny Xu:
Every time I come home from meeting with plenty of PEPPER. No exception for this time.
Yes! Billy Shyu brought us a word “PEPPER” which is useful and easy to make sentences. Not only the food “ pepper”, but also “be peppered with”.
There were 3 members made their debuts in the meeting. Kevin Ho worked with James Chang without any traceable signs. Kevin Huang really showed his sense of humor on jokes and Jim Wang told us his personality with truly and lovely – Easy and Lazy. Hee!
A Guest Eric Li from Taipei did his C8 speech and brought us great information.
The meeting was conducted in a cordial atmosphere. If we had made the time match to the agenda, the meeting could have been perfect. Let’s go for it!
Time control:
start 19:35
Adjourned: 21:30
Attendants: Member: 13
Guest: 2
February 16, 2017
0217 Meeting minutes
Summary on Feb. 17. 2016 edited by Joyce Hu:
1. Contest master Kevin Ho chaired the semi-formal in-house speech contests with his sophisticated stewardship. He also prepared the judge’s guides and ballots for members to judge all participants’ performance, awesome experience to experiment with learn by doing.
2. Delighted to have new member induction for James Chang to enrich our diversity, enhance our member base and enlarge our network. Welcome, James!
3. All participants except Contest master take part in table topics contest by drawing his/her own question to answer (10 questions posted on Happy Life LINE group on Feb 18). They did their best to develop their mini speech with open, body and conclusion.
International Speech Contest: Joyce Hu, Hayden Hsu
Table topics Contest: Joyce Hu, Maggie Kuo, Sunny Xu
Time control: start 19:30
Adjourned: 21:20
Attendants: Member: 10
Guest: 1
January 05, 2017
0106 Meeting minutes
Summary on Jan. 06. 2016 edited by Fernando Wang:
1. Irene as a TME was succeeding on leading whole meeting. Anita and Beth helped the meeting on right time track and alerted the speakers of their redundant words. Joyce as the language evaluator introduced “out of the blue, out of the left field, out of the woodwork” for our daily usage. The first time Joke master Hayden was well prepared by telling several jokes himself and inviting all to participate. Table Topic master, Sunny’s questions sticked with the theme and Kevin Ho’s suggestions were useful to answer the topics appropriately.
2. Our new rising stars, Bonnie and Kevin Huang delivered their C2 speeches. Though they are new, they showed their potential and strengths with interesting and meaningful contents. We cannot wait to their next speech. Besides, Kevin Ho demonstrated his remarkable skill of a good sense of humor for his A23 speech.
3. Panel evaluation is a different approach to involve all members to practice listening comprehension as well as expressing his/her comments logically and systematically.
4. Congratulations! Irene Shu and Anita won the best role and the best table topic speaker respectively.
Best Meeting Role:Irene Shu
Best Table Topic Speaker:Anita Wang
Time control: start: 19:30
Adjourned: 21:20
Attendants: Member: 10 Guest: 1
December 15, 2016
1216 Meeting minutes
Summary on Dec. 16. 2016 edited by Ken Shu:
1. It was a very successful meeting, all assignment takers performed very well, and every session proceeded with high quality.
2. Suggest to invite more members with no assignment and /or guests to table topic session.
Best Meeting Role:Ariel Chen
Best Table Topic Speaker:Patrick Tseng
Time control: start: 19:30
Adjourned: 21:20
Attendants: Member: 10 Guest: 1
December 01, 2016
1202 Meeting ninutes
Summary on Dec. 02. 2016 edited by Billy Shyu:
1. The meeting was called to order by TME Fernando Wang at about 7:30 p.m. as both SAA and President were unable to make it to the meeting due to unexpected reasons.
2. Fernando Wang also gave the opening remarks on behalf of Joyce Hu, in which he first welcomed the members and guest present tonight, and then briefly introduced TM history to the participants.
3. Bonnie Lin conducted the Joke Session for the first time, but she did it very well and offered a couple of interesting jokes herself.
3. In the Prepared Speech Session, Irene Shu delivered her A1 speech titled “Bias.” She shared a popular Aesop's fable about six blind men feeling a different part of an elephant to learn what it was like.
4. Another prepared speech speaker was Kevin Ho, who made his A21 speech, which was “a special occasion speech” titled “The Angel of Happy Life Toastmasters Club.”
In Kevin’s speech, he ascribed the success of Happy Life to Joyce Hu, Billy Shyu, Irene Shu and other members who have devoted a lot to the Club. To demonstrate how to toast on special occasions, Kevin brought a bottle of fragrant and mallow red wine to share with all the participants.
5. What was extraordinary for the meeting was that a “Motto Sharing Session” was conducted. Every participant shared his or her motto and the reasons why it was appreciated.
6. Beth Yang presided over the Table Topic Session with great preparation beforehand. She picked members to answer her questions by means of the lucky draw.
7. The Evaluation Session was chaired by Billy Shyu, and other participants come up with their positive comments and suggestions to the two prepared speech speakers.
8. The language evaluation was done by a guest who attended our meeting for the second time. As an English major, she pointed out the inappropriate pronunciation made by other members, in particular the pronunciation of long vowel sounds. It was of much benefit to all of the participants.
9. General evaluator Billy Shyu suggested that the introduction to timing rules be brief and concise. For instance, the green flag is raised when there’s one minute left; the yellow flag is raised when there’s 30 seconds left, and the red flag will be raised when the time is up, etc.
Best Meeting Role:Fernando Wang
Best Table Topic Speaker:Irene Shu
Time control: start: 19:30
Adjourned: 21:20
Attendants: Member: 7 Guest: 1
November 17, 2016
1118 Meeting minutes
Summary on Nov. 18th 2016 edited by Fernando:
1. Welcomed Grace being the one of us! We believe that Happy-Life will be bigger and stronger in the coming future!
2. The TME Joyce provided a very good and different idea for today’s evaluation session: Panel Evaluation. It made all members as evaluators to deliver their inspections and ideas for all speakers; all members could not only improve their hearing ability but also the ability of analysis and organization and speaking.
3. Bonnie delivered her first time … for that hosting the Table Topic Session. No doubt her stable expression made a good performance.
4. The Language Evaluator tonight, Billy, took lots of example sentences to teach us how to correctly use the word “remind” (“remind” + O + “of”).
5. Again Kevin Ho showed a high performance prepared speech. “My Best Duo”, the story between Kevin and his wife, talked with humorousness and feelings, was really touched lots of us.
6. Josephine, the 3rd place winner 2016 World Championship of Public Speaking, delivered her wonderful speech. She told her story with metaphor and humorousness to make audiences fully understand the relationships between her and her friend; especially the words “I will be there” showed in the beginning and ending, which connected whole her speech powerfully and entirely.
7. Finally, we must thanks to Kevin Huang as a Timer and Grace Lin as the Ah counter. Since the precisely timing control by timer, therefore our meeting can moved smoothly; with the Ah counter report, so we can always improved our speaking skill.
Best Meeting Role:Joyce Hu
Best Table Topic Speaker:Bruce Lee
Time control: start: 19:25
Adjourned: 21:22
Attendants: Member: 8 Guest: 1
November 03, 2016
1104 Meeting minutes
Summary on Nov. 04, 2016 edited by Irene Shu:
1. Fernando conducted an excellent role of TME by setting the theme of meeting: Who is the super man in your mind. This is a very good topic to let members think of it.
2. A speech by Kevin is special prepared for Tim Huang to practice before compete in Fall convention. Both of them consider each other as their super man. This demonstrated Toastmasters spirit to support each other.
3. Ice Break speaker Kevin Huang preformed without any stage freight. We are very happy to have a new member to join us, this would be new journey for him. I am sure he will bring more stories to us very soon.
4. Professional Table topic master Beth gave 4 questions which were very good questions; Guest Lisa are our good friend brought her students visit us. I am sure her young students learn something in our meeting. By answering first question, she shares how to give lesson to his son. This is really food of thought that kids grown up enough they have independent ability. We can not protect them too much.
Second speakers Sunny’s answer is hard to say no to others.
Third speakers said music, dance will cheer up his life. Keep on smile.
Last questions gave Lisa’s student an opportunity to reply it. Young girl were shy, all sisters, members, tried to help her to answer question.
5. Thank you new member Hayden & Bonnie serve as Timer and Ah counter this is very good practice lesson for new members.
6. Word of the Day “ EXUDE” :
If you want to EXUDE more confidence, you need practice more.
Best Meeting Role:Fernando Wang
Best Table Topic Speaker:
Time control:
start: 19:25
Adjourned: 21:10
Attendants: Member: 9
Guest: 1
October 20, 2016
1021 Meeting minutes
Summary on Oct. 21, 2016 edited by Kevin Ho:
1. When the time comes, we heard the bell jingled. It was a signal from Sergeant at arms Kevin Huang. it means "The meeting will come to order". It was the first time he took the job as SAA. He has done a good job. 2. Our President Joyce gave a perfect introduction for TME. It was less than a minute but contains all the elements of a full speech which including open, body and conclusion. 3. TME Sunny introduced and explained the meeting theme “how to use your money every month” she also introduced and explained the speech section of the meeting. 4. First speaker Grace Lin broke through her self-imposed limits. She conveyed a concept of a unique way of spiritual support in the world of atheist. 5. Anita Wang’s C9 speech was inspired by the process of arrange meeting agenda. Just do it! She really persuades me to do my best. 6. Fernando’s Technical presentation really meet my need, interest and knowledge learning. He prepared a lot valuable information and made complicated subjects understandable to me. Such as AR, VR and MR. 7. Joke session master Beth conduct it with a funny way which encouraged all new guest deliver a joke. 8. Irene comes back from a trip around the island in a bike. She was not only brought us delicious pancakes but also took two jobs as firefighter no wonder she got best role of meeting. 9. Our new guests Ken, Hayden and Bruce have good performance in joke session and table topic session. 10. Meeting start at 19:25 and end at 21:05 11. Best role of meeting is Irene Hsu 12. Best table topics is Bruce Lee
October 06, 2016
1007 Meeting minutes
Summary on Oct. 07, 2016 edited by Sunny Xu:
1. It was our pleasure to have four guests in the meeting. One is Hayden who once took his 2 children to visit our meeting. He really makes a role model for his kids. The others are students from NTOU who are Grace’s schoolmates. They are generous and positive to join our meeting. After the meeting, two of them asked us about how to join Happy Life. It showed our meeting was a success.
2. Anna Kuo played a good role of TME. I think “Anna Kuo” is a brand, which is well-prepared. And she made a bonus for members which inquired Kevin if he could send his workshop ppt to everyone.
3. Kevin did a useful and motivational workshop of “Selecting your topic”. It’s worthy to review when you’re stuck in your speech.
4. Bonnie Lin gave us a surprise. She made a C1 speech so smoothly and fluently. Everyone cheered for it. She was all smiles when she delivered her speech. Let me say that again: Bonnie is really great.
5. Timer, which is Kevin Huang’s debut, was fun in this meeting. He forgot to raise the flags for stopping the speakers he liked. I hope I could catch his attention. But hold… Timer has the greatest power to control meeting time!! Cute Kevin Huang!
6. About the queen of Ah, everyone knows who is she. Our Beth! Beth is the best. No matter she’s in Ah-counter or her attitude in life, I like her very much.
7. Joyce Hu warmed me for taking my second assignment of this meeting. That made my stress out. To keep young is to have more friends like Joyce.
8. I definitely love New Member Induction Ceremony, which can TOUCH new friends for the first time.
9. Fernando prepared nice question for Table Topics and made the members want to get the chance to enhance our English skills.
It’s also my debut to write the summary. It’s a great way to review the whole meeting and I can be touched again.
Best Meeting Role:Anna Kuo
Best Table Topic Speaker:Bruce Lee
Time control:start: 19:25 Adjourned: 21:25
Attendants: Member: 9 Guest: 4
September 22, 2016
0923 Meeting minutes
Summary on Sep. 23, 2016 edited by Eddy Lin:
1.Happy Life club meeting on 9/23, the agenda looks seem a regular meeting, but actually was a special events ---a club In-house Speech & Evaluation contest! TME Joyce conducted it very well.
2.Junior members Grace Lin invited her schoolmates from NTOU to attend the meeting. It's really a good example for other members to learn and follow suit. That's the spirit of Toastmasters.
3.Senior member Kevin Ho has a very strong commitment and dedication to the club, he is the humorous speech representative of the club to attend Area contest.
4.In Evaluation contest, the club invited Kan Hsu ( Div G director ) to be the test speaker. We have 5 contestants to attend the contest. The representative of Evaluation speaker is Anna Kuo.
Humorous speech representative: Kevin Ho
Evaluation speaker representative: Anna Kuo
Time control: start: 19:17 Adjourned: 21:07
Attendants: Member: 9 Guest: 6
September 02, 2016
0903 Meeting minutes
Summary on Sep. 02, 2016 edited by Kevin Ho:
1. The meeting theme was “fulfill commitment”. I think to fulfill our commitment is one of keys to success in our life journey.
2. Anita Wang is heart and soul of our meeting. She was not only arranged the meeting but also preside over the meeting and as Toastmasters of evening as well. Well done Anita.
3. Grace Lin presented a speech to inform “Online study group”. She tried to stand from the audience's viewpoint and led us to a new world of learning. She had finished her speech in one sitting without any note. I love it very much. Her IE Sunny Xu loves the speech too. She learned how to online study from Grace’s speech. She praised Grace without note during speech.
4. This is the first time we practice evaluation night. After watched world champion of 2016 Darren Tay’s speech. Fernando Wang, Anita Wang and Kevin Huang provided evaluation for the speech. Fernando praised Darren on his speech content such as speech Development and physical of delivery. Anita praised Darren’s speech the structure of the speech is so well that perfectly related points follow one another. She suggested if Darren can shorten the time of wearing underwear, audience may have more time to make eye contact with him. Kevin Huang loves Darren’s body language and his manner to deliver speech. By the way he felt the pronunciation of Singlish is quite interesting.
5. This is the first Bonnie Lin as Timer. I saw something in her “a potential superstar”. Bonnie a job well done.
6. We were so happy to have guest Hayden Hsu and his daughter Jenny and son Luke attend our meeting.
7. We voted for increasing membership fee. The result is NT$2400 half year from the new term of this October.
Meeting start from 19:25 and adjourned at 21:15
August 18, 2016
0819 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on Aug 19, 2016 edited by Kevin Ho:
The meeting was hold right after ghost festival. Our TME Sunny raised a question as meeting theme "Do you believe in GHOSTS" How scary the question was! Especially asked in ghost month but she conducted the meeting full of laughter. I love it. She is familiar with meeting procedure so as the meeting can transit smoothly between speakers.
Zoe Tsai deliver her C4 speech, she shared with us how to conquer her fear in Toastmasters journey. Anna Kuo’s speech gave praising and honoring to the savior in her life. Yang enlighten her to make hard things simple. Her evaluator Joyce Hu gave praising to her speech and suggested if can ask someone to make a role-play as Yang will make it even better.
The Language evaluator Billy Shyu provided a new word “Rendezvous” the meaning is “a meeting with someone that is arranged for a particular time and place and that is often secret”. Billy skilled in grammar we learned a lot from him.
Joke session master Beth Yang has been successfully to let the meeting in a relaxed atmosphere. Anita Wang and Fernando Wang help Sunny to control meeting time and cure Ah. They had a great contribution to achieve a high quality meeting.
Fheng Ying Lee took Table topics master at the last minute as a fire fighter. All her questions concerned meeting theme. She invited our guest Tim Lin and Bonnie Lin to answer her question. Both of them can conquer the stage fright. Especially Bonnie’s performance was brilliant. The table topic question was “Do you like to see ghost movies?” The majority of audience love her answer no wonder she won the best table topics speaker. Table topics evaluator was Iren Hsu. Her powers of observation were very keen and also gave speakers constructive suggestions. Such as suggest to refer the contest rule book about key points of table topics.
Good news Bonnie has paid member fee to join us after meeting.
Best meeting role: Sunny Hsu Best Table topic speaker: Bonnie Lin
Time control: start: 19:20 Adjourned: 21:15
Attendants: Member: 10 Guest: 3
0805 Meeting Agenda and meeting minutes
Summary on Aug 05, 2016 edited by Irene Hsu:
1. As usual at check in time in the very beginning of the meeting, acting president Sunny, lead us an interesting topic about Donald Trump v.s. Hillary Clinton who will fight it out in the race for the White House. We had vicious discussion. It was good way to learn debate. .
2. Toastmaster of the evening set a theme “English song”. It was the first time Happy Life had been able to hear a talent good singer Frenando charmed on audiences tonight. The members reaction was phenomenal, we song together along with claps. What a wonderful night.
3. Word of the day “vicious” conducted by Anna Kuo. Who also served as LE with a computer, checked the words on the spot to correct our wrong usage during meeting, such as "give us a ride“ instead of “drive us to “, “on the earth: instead of “in the earth”.
4. Kevin’s Workshop, “the moments of truth”, we never get a second chance of first impression. When was your first time to fall in love with Toastmaster? There are 6 faces to review if our club meets each standard for crystal concept which is very useful.
5. General Evaluator Irene reminded that Table Topic Master should mention the rules & purpose of Table topic before giving questions. In addition, the questions duplicated with the theme of English song. For members have more opportunity to practice it, firm questions would be much helpful.
Best meeting role: Fernando Wang
Best Table topic speaker: Sunny Xu
Time control: start: 19:30 Adjourned: 21:30
Attendants: Member: 8 Guest: 3
July 14, 2016
0715 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on July 15, 2016 edited by Joyce Hu:
1. It’s Anna’s debut as Toastmaster of the evening after she reinstated her membership with Happy Life as her new home club. Ushering us from the beginning to the end with her energetic, uplifting and sophisticated meeting-conducting mastery. She also makes a very good usage of “word of the day – versatile” to introduce session masters and transit smoothly. Undoubtedly, she wins the best meeting role award.
2. Grace shows us “how to learn in new field” by organized her speech logically while Kevin uses metaphors, famous quotes and old sayings to reveal his wisdom about picking up his future son-in-law. For example: Victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan said John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a son is a son until he finds a wife but a daughter is a daughter all her life, just name a few.
3. General Evaluator Eddy suggests Table Topic Master to call upon the audience to answer his topics rather than waiting for volunteers. Individual Evaluators are expecting to receive their evaluation team master’s suggestion for bettering their “feedback and advice” skill. Not only for the coming evaluation contest but enhancing the meeting quality for the benefits of all members, as well as the guests.
Best meeting role: Anna Kuo Best Table topic speaker: Joyce Hu
Time control: start: 19:30 Adjourned: 21:25
Attendants: Member: 10, Guest: 3
0701 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on July 1, 2016 edited by Joyce Hu:
“Why we work” is the theme set by Toastmaster of the evening Fernando while the table topic master Joe leads us to Marvel comics heroes and movies. The combination reminds us of work and leisure balancing.
Irene, General Evaluator gives a “specific” suggestion by recommending “POETS” sequence to introduce prepared speaker: P = Project level, O = Speech Objective, E = Name of individual evaluator, T = Speech Title/Time, S = The Speaker. Furthermore, contact the member earlier (not first sight at the scene when we are all busy on preparing our assignment/speech and extend our hospitality to the guest) to get more information for speaker’s credibility is a value-added.
Table topic master briefs the purpose of the session and time rules (if the timer didn’t introduce it previously) is necessary. Picks up member to answer the first question is the principle to start this exciting session. On the other hand, invite guest to answer the topics with his/her consent is the way to get the visitor involved.
Sunny is walking the extra mile when she starts the story of Snow White as a new beginning on her advance communicator track.. Kevin entertains us his profound analysis on “the toad and the swan” and he’s on his way to win his Advance Communicator Silver soon.
Our guest Bonnie uses “talk the talk, walk the walk”, slang of the day for her debut during table topic session. What a smart and brilliant performance.
Prepare and practice as much possible is the rule 101 bettering our communication and leadership skills.
Best meeting role: Anna Kuo
Sunny Xu
Best Table topic speaker: Irene Shu
Time control: start 19:25
Adjourned: 21:15
Attendants: Member: 9
Guest: 3
June 16, 2016
0617 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on June 17, 2016 edited by Joyce Hu:
1. Creativity is the way both Mabel and Beth demonstrated this evening. Though no theme set in advance, Mabel challenges all role takers to make a sentence by using the “animal slang” she introduced, such as spring, chicken, chicken out, copy cat. Beth hand picks- by drawing the names of the audience, lucky ones to answer her table topics also surprised us hilariously.
2. Timothy casts an warning alarm on the weathering rocks in 野柳, a wake up call reminding us we only have one planet. Fernando inspires us that you are awesome just the way you are, a simple yet powerful advice for mastering our life.
3. The highlights of the meeting was presides by Tim’s officers installation. We thank the out-going officers and welcome in-coming officers to pass the baton. And it has been 20 years that Happy Life breaking the ice since 1996.
4. Veteran members Billy gives us the general evaluation that covers all sessions help all to reflect what we’ve done great and what we can do it better next time.
Best role taker: Tim Huang, Billy Shyu Best Table topic speaker: Anna Kuo
June 02, 2016
0603 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on June 3, 2016 edited by Joyce Hu:
1. Kevin introduces Toastmaster of the evening by connecting Billy with the 20th anniversary of Happy Life Toastmasters club perfectly. 20 years ago, Billy was our club sponsor and he reinstated his membership this year. A new chapter opened.
2. With his sophisticated meeting conducting skill, Billy set an impeccable example for us to witness how to introduce the speakers, smooth transit and short but straight to the point remarks to echo the other members’ words. The most important thing is he comes earlier to check with each one and everything is under his belt. Good preparation makes perfect performance.
3. Rejuvenating the language evaluation by introducing “word of the day,” language evaluator brings us “ubiquitous” to practice the word through the meeting. The learning kept going on after Sunny posts it on our “LINE” group.
4. Anna takes the last minute assignment as ah-counter and ballot counter at her first meeting with us after her reinstatement. A seasoned members and previous G2 director, Anna is welcomed for her re-embark on her Toastmasters journey with us.
5. As the General Evaluator, Irene pays attention to all aspects of the delivery, organization of the meeting as well as her comments for each role taker with encouraging words and constructive advice.
Best role taker: Joyce Hu Best Table topic speaker: Anna Kuo
0520 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on May 20, 2016 edited by Joyce Hu:
1. Irene holds the reins of the meeting with her energetic, confident and upbeat tone through the evening. She brings us a joyful evening and we are glad to view that our Irene is back!
2. Fernando tells us that we can vary our routine chores by adding some simple actions to strengthen our muscle mass. His practical suggestions are easy for the audience to take-away.
3. Workshop: how to conduct productive meetings?
The three most important jobs that our club achieved for a productive meeting are: time control, love and friendship. On the other hand, for a more productive meeting, there are following jobs that we can do them better:
*Language evaluator: Irene provides L.J’s notes as Language evaluator for our reference that help members to improve from pronunciation, enunciation, grammar and usage.
*Evaluator: know your speaker’s speech content, the objectives of his/her speech and his/her personal goals in advance to check whether the delivery reaches those purposes.
*Tips for table topic speaker: make a point, give a reason to support your point, provide an example and make the point again.
*General Evaluator: focus on the delivery, organizing, time control, etc of how meeting conducted by each role taker and what kind of progress reached or improvement needed.
*Toastmaster: introduce prepare speaker with more details to bridge the connection with the audience
*Timer: explain time rule clearly and creatively (we have bell for better time control from now on)
*Table topic master: choose questions easy to ask (no need for further explanation) but difficult to answer (for respondent to think it over and reply in elaborate way to developing a mini speech)
*Jokemaster: prepare more than one joke to narrow the awkward silence, also encourage members to prepare some.
*ah counter: explain the rule clearly and take note as accurate as possible to help members improve.
Best role taker: Irene Shu Best Table topic speaker: Irene Shu
May 05, 2016
0506 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on May 06, 2016 edited by Joyce Hu:
1. Fheng-Ying brings a bunch of carnations not only reminds us Mother’s day is in the corner but also as an incentive for members to come to the stage. Thanks for kindness and leading the meeting creatively.
2. The first time joke master Alan is well-prepared with three jokes to welcome more participants. He also accepts the last minute assignment as the table topic master to conduct the session successfully. And we’re amused by Sunny’s quite wit answer to “what's the uncomfortable pet for you?”
3. We give Irene a big run of applause for her inspiring speech “Preparing for the unexpected”. Her personal story about how she’s been through during the time between jobs touches the audience. Her determination to stand on the stage ensured her winning in competent communicator. Congratulations! To your new job and new chapter in life.
4. Kevin also opens a new chapter in his entertaining speech. We are mouth watering when listening to his description of the taste of roast duck. Joyce’s “Accepting an award” is a rehearsal for her yet to come distinguished toastmaster award, the last mile challenge is ahead for her to conquer.
5. Fernando taking the job as general evaluator. He is the member every club long for as he never says no to new role. His confidence and poise show that he is a rising star.
Best role taker: Fernado Wang Best Table topic speaker: Sunny Xu
April 21, 2016
4/22 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on April 22, 2016 edited by Joyce Hu:
1. Fernado sets an upbeat tone for the meeting. Though it’s his first time as toastmaster of the evening, we cannot tell he’s a novice due to his confidence and smooth transition.
2. We have better knowledge about maritime environment from Alan’s informative and education message. He provides us good advice to eat smart, save money and be responsible for sustainable ecosystem. Plus extra bonus of these fish vocabularies: Jellyfish水母,海蜇 tuna鮪魚, marlin旗魚, cod鱈魚 grouper石斑魚tilapia吳郭魚, mackerel鯖魚 clam 蛤lobster 龍蝦 scallop 扇貝,干貝milk fish虱目鱼, belt fish白帶魚horse mackerel竹筴魚
3. Joyce presents the outstanding toastmaster of the year to Sunny for her Passion, Involvement and Enthusiasm, she’s our PIE.
5. Irene’s tiramisu and cup cakes with dries longan filling show our warm, heartfelt welcome the five new guest: Elaine, Jane, Cathy, Julie and Serena.
Best role taker: Fernado Wang Best Table topic speaker: Sunny Xu
April 07, 2016
4/8 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Summary on April 8, 2016: by Joyce Hu
1. Toastmaster of the evening, Anita brings us 10 best things in Happy Life creatively. She steers the meeting by surprising us one element after another from the beginning to the end marvelously. No doubt she wins the best role taker.
2. Fernado shows us a set of simple and keywords only visual aids that highlight his message clearly. On the other hand, Tims good skill on combining his PPT with his message seamlessly really impressed us. And we are all well aware of Division G Golden 10 th Oscar Rising Star event. An interesting part is Kevin is under Joyces roast. Ariel suggests asking Kevin one question as an ending would definitely complete this project even amusingly.
3. Eddy as the general evaluator reminds us to read our competent communicator manual for guidance when prepare each speech. Each of the 10 projects with its particular speech objectives helps us polish our delivery effectively.
4. PGU is the acronym for pronunciation, grammar and usage of language, such as syllable, singular and plural, gender confusion, tense and etc which are introduced by Tim when he wears the second hat as our long lost grammarian.
5. Alan, the first time table topic master conducts the session by casting five questions relate to reading. Good time allocation and well prepared to challenge members and guests.
6. Table topic evaluation is one of the features in Division G. Among many approaches to master the impromptu session, Kevin gauges five respondents answers by PREP rule. PREP stands for make a Point, give a Reason, offer an Example and Make the Point again to wrap it up. Its an easy tip for us to keep it in our toolkits.
Best role taker: Anita Wang Best Table topic speaker: Erin Su
March 24, 2016
3/25 meeting agenda and meeting minutes
Summary on Mar 25, 2016 by Joyce Hu
1. Frank as TME gives us a brief introduction about the history of Toastmaster International, the first toastmaster club in Taiwan and Happy Life. Dr. Ralph C. Smedley, founder of Toastmasters wrote in 1965: “As I look back over a half century of connection with the Toastmasters movement, I am impressed by the fact that a simple idea, put to work in so simple a manner, has grown into such an instrument of service for so many people. It must have met a real need.” We’re glad and blessed to be part of it.
3. We have the new member conduction for Alan Chang, members and guests are in the queue welcoming our new blood. Alan also shows his talent as a very competent ah-counter. He listens attentively and gives a comprehensive ah-counter report help us improve our unintentional utter of sounds and words
4. Erin, the 2nd time visitor is elected the best table topic speaker for her thorough reply with an example supported her viewpoint for Zoe’s question. We witness a rising star and promising communicator in Erin.
5. Kevin’s “A heartfelt Love on a par with White Snake” weaves the legend of white snake into the real-life true romantic story. And Joyce shares with us the skill of assertiveness is to know who you are and what you stand for by expressing your honest feelings comfortably and asserting your rights while respecting the feelings and rights of others.
6. Special thanks for Sunny taking multiroles, her evaluation team and adjusting the time flexibly to keep us on track. As a promise, Fheng-Ying will be the joke section master next meeting to complete her duty.
Best role taker: Alan Change Best Table topic speaker: Erin